Friday, March 21, 2008

Skating Away!

Wednesday night was Bryan's skate fundraiser for school that he's been working on for so long! He had an incredible turnout! We took Noah and wasn't sure if he would skate, but after the first few minutes of watching others all he would say was 'shoes?' 'shoes?'... so they had some adjustable skates for him and he wore them the entire 2 1/2 hours! when we were on the carpet he didn't want to hold my hand, but i made him when we were on the skate floor. He and I went around the rink over a dozen times! (which takes forever with a little one!) do you know how hard it was to get pictures of him? i was afraid to take more than a few steps away from him in case he fell!

I love the picture of Bryan with him because he was so busy all night keeping all the school stuff in order that he only had time to take noah around the rink one time towards the end...and it was the only time noah fell... :) now we know what to put on his birthday list this summer!

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