Saturday, May 31, 2008

Keeping busy

Noah spent most of each day with us at the hospital, especially after Mamaw had to leave, and did such a GREAT job behaving! He kept busy exploring, playing with his new hot wheels, watching diego, and of course, going to the snack room for yummy snacks. We were very proud of him for being there so long and still being such a good boy!

He loved watching the 'big trucks' on 315 out our window... Mamaw Wilma was a little nervous though.

Playing with Hot Wheels
See them all lined up?? OC i tell ya!


This was his favorite thing to do while at the hospital. He would line up all his cars under the sink, then climb in, shut the doors, and play inside. He spent a LOT of time in his clubhouse

Friday, May 30, 2008

Link to Hospital Pics

First Cuddle

Noah got up this morning and came in to check on Ruby. He peeked over the edge of her bassinet and smiled, then reached his hands out for her. I told him to sit on the bed and he could hold her. You can see by his smile that he loved cuddling his baby sister. I know my mom is missing them very much and will love the top picture. Noah woke up this morning asking for Mamaw Wilma. We hope she can come back to visit soon!
Proud big brother!
Chilling out in her sack sleeper that is WAY too big!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

For Sylvia

This pic is for Sylvia at Sylvan. Thanks for the adorable headband! It shows off her hair! :)

Going Home

We have pictures scattered on 3 cameras (and now in 2 states!) because of MANY camera problems! It was crazy. Here are some of her coming home. Yes, those are booties on her hands because I didn't take any mittens. I bought a ton for Noah and he never once wore them because he didn't scratch his face...she's the opposite. Then they told me I had to sit in the backseat with her when we left, so Noah, Ruby and Mommy all squeezed in the back of our little car. She did great!


Thank you Aunt Lindsay for taking pics and posting for mommy! We are home, happy, healthy!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Ruby!

She's here!

Baby Ruby came today, May 27th, at 4:34 p.m. She weighs 7 lbs., 9 oz. and is 19 1/4 inches long. Baby and Mommy are doing great!

Monday, May 26, 2008


We decided to go to Graeter's this evening for ice cream as our last outing as a family of three. We sat outside to enjoy the warm weather, even though it was cloudy. Then I happened to notice this beautiful rainbow in the sky. It was a full rainbow, full color, full arch. We could follow it from one side to the other. What a perfect reminder of God's faithfulness and promises. It's hard to believe that just over 2 years ago we were being told there was a 95% chance we would never have biological kids of our own after 6 years of fertility treatments. I'm thankful God is in control and His ways are higher and far better than my own. An incredible reminder as we meet our precious daughter, our second child, tomorrow!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Take 2

so after looking at the last ones, i realize i didn't even upload the 'fishing' pics... so here's a few! he got tired of trying to touch the duck with the string, so he just started stabbing it! :) that's my boy!

i love the concentration in this pic...see his tongue? that's what i do when i'm concentrating!

Mommy's Little Fisherman

Last week I decided last minute to take Noah to get his picture taken. My Aunt sent him these 'Freddie' overalls from Kentucky because they reminded her of my dad, and they were perfect for fishin'. Here's a few favs. No big smiles because he woke up from nap with a fever, but I love how it shows his sweet, quiet side.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

getting in some practice

yesterday we all went to see Baby Amina and someone didn't want to let her go (bryan!). at one time she stretched her legs out and wrapped them around his arm...i thought he was going to melt! and now there's a little more pressure on ruby being born asap! :) noah did really well with her too! he called her Mina and would only whisper whenever he talked to her. at one point she started crying and he ran over to her and started whispering to her (in toddlerese).

this is my fav pic of her...bryan called her the little boxer! she kept scrunching her nose and pushing her fists into her face. she's quite the character already! :) (and yes, bryan is still holding her!)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Ruby's Twin Sis

This is my friend's Savonne's new baby girl, Amina Faith! She was born at 8:25 tonight, 7lb 13oz, 20 1/2 inches. Savonne and I have gone through our pregnancies together since the test results were positive, and we've had such similar pregnancies that we started calling the girls twins. So here is Twin #1, and Twin #2 better be soon behind! Congrats Savonne!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


for mother's day, we planned on going to the park, going hiking, and having a picnic. well, when we found out it was going to rain all mother's day, we decided to go to the park on saturday. we had to cut out all the other plans because bryan had to work all day and didn't get home til later in the evening. noah and daddy had fun and i enjoyed walking around taking pics.