Monday, May 07, 2007

10 Months Old!

so noah is ten months old today! the last few weeks have been crazy busy with him learning so much all of a sudden! he is getting in four new teeth, can say kitty and ducky (still no mama or dada), claps, gives high fives, waves hi and bye, barks (yes, when the dogs bark he joins in), speed crawls, cruises, (and has even practiced a little letting go)...and i'm sure i've forgotten something. he's into everything and has already had his taste of several untasty objects, (such as cat food). he eats anything, but loves to feed himself. his favorites are puffs, hummus sandwiches, avocado, and green beans. he drinks mostly from a sippy cup now and we're planning on pitching the bottle before his birthday. he's still just the happiest baby in the world and we love him so much! i can't believe he's ten months already!!

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