Saturday, December 01, 2007

If it's a Girl...

Well, if it's a girl, this could be an idea of how she'll look! Why is my SON wearing a pony tail you ask? He brought me the rubber band and tried to put it in his hair (apparently from watching me since sadly my hair is in a ponytail 99% of the time anymore!), so I put it in! and of course we had to take pics of him to embarrass him later in life! :) bryan called him samurai boy, because he likes to wrap an oven mitt around his shoulders and makes him look samurai... the other pic is of him munching on a lime! he loves limes and lemons and anything sour!! i love my BOY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy He is growing too too fast. Hope all is going well with you guys. Do you and Bryan want a girl or a little brother for Noah