Friday, August 08, 2008

Hartford Fair 2008

Every year we spend time back in Bryan's hometown of Croton at the Hartford Independent Fair. This was my 10th year going when Bryan and I started dating, and the past two years we've enjoyed taking our kids! It's a great hometown fair!

150th year for the Hartford Fair!

Ruby chilling in the stroller

Yay the fair!!

Ruby with Mrs. Hatton

Noah and his John Deere
He was in tractor heaven! We wish Corbin was with us!



Testing out Papaw's toys he was selling

He loved the ponies!

watching the motorcross

Even Ruby liked the motorcross! That's mama's girl!
He had to get as close as possible
He liked the motorcycles, but the quads were his favorites!

This is the smallest motorcycle category...3-5 year olds!! to think he could be riding a motorcycle at the fair next year!! wow! i love all the parents on the track, running beside them, picking them up when they wreck, being all nervous...yep that'd be me. Notice the dark clouds moving in? yep, we got dumped on a few minutes after this picture. It poured and poured! Thankfully Bryan's parents live close by so we went there to wait out the storm.

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