I had to post this picture, along with a sweet story about my little boy. I know I usually don't write a lot on here, but I was encouraged to write it down to remember it in the future, and right now everything gets 'written down' on this blog. I'm copying most of it from an email, and adding what has happened since. It's amazing how sensitive of a heart Noah has, and it's also shown us his tendencies towards perfectionism. He is completely potty trained now, going on his own and doing everything in the potty. Naptime and Nighttime is coming along as well, as you will read. We know that takes longer, but the success he's had in such a short time is definitely something to celebrate!
I've been trying to figure out how to help Noah stay dry during naptime (and hoping it jumped to nighttime) so today (Monday) I decided not to put him in the pull up for his nap. I knew it was very likely he'd have an accident, but that was okay. I thought it might help him realize he does pee in his sleep. I even put his potty chair in his room during nap time in case he woke up and knew he needed to go.
Well, he woke up and came through the house BAWLING. He was CRUSHED that he had peed on himself and his bed. He was just sobbing over and over that he peed in his bed and it took me about 20 minutes to calm him down!
Bryan and I were stunned. It's not like we've punished him when he's had an accident (all 5 times). We've never done anything but reminded him what he needed to do.
He wouldn't let me put new underwear on him. He just sat naked, wrapped in his blankie on my lap and whenever I asked him, he'd say, 'no, i peed in my underwear' (it was obviously new underwear and I even compared it with the old for him...). He was just so disappointed in himself.
It KILLED me! I never would have done it if i knew it would break his heart like that. :(
It took him a good hour to recover and I had already made his favorite for dinner (mac and cheese) while he was asleep and he would look at it and say, 'no, i peed', like he didn't deserve the yummy food.... :( We just loved on him and loved on him.
Bedtime that night went quite smoothly despite the evening. However, the next day, when it was time for nap, he started crying, saying he didn't want to pee in his bed. I had a pull up on him this time and tried to encourage him that it would be okay. He ended up getting up from nap 4 times in over two hours, running through the house to say he needed to go pee (and he did all 4 times). '
Obviously he didn't get a nap.
He did fall asleep while I was at work, and Bryan changed him into a pull up and put him in his bed. He woke up after I got home and came through the house bawling again, crying that he had peed in his bed. (He did go while asleep, but he had a pull up on, so no accident in the bed). So we went through the WHOLE thing all over again, trying to convince him that it WAS okay. It didn't take as long to calm him down, but he still hung his head for the longest time.
We then realized that he has VERY high standards for himself, expecting himself to be perfect. I knew he was always detailed, specific and liked things a certain way but this was new. This was great insight for me on the future!
Bedtime didn't come easily last night because the incident happened so late in the evening. He ended up getting out of his bed 3 times to go to the bathroom, but by the 3rd time didn't have to go. He was afraid he would pee in his bed and wanted to be sure.
First thing this morning, he hops up and goes to the potty by himself. The naptime/nighttime may come just as easy as the potty training did. :) THAT is encouraging!
I have learned a lot about him through this. It has been a FUN, GREAT experience for all of us!
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