Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas at Home 2008

These are really out of order, but I'm not feeling up to organizing them right now. We had a WONDERFUL Christmas with our little family at home on Christmas Eve morning! I enjoy Christmas so much more now that we have kids to share it with. It is just so amazing to see Christmas through their eyes! We started several new traditions for us this year and continued one from last year. God is incredibly good!

opening stockings (we did this last...but these pics are all out of order)

one new pj's for the night before to show what each child enjoyed that year in their lives... Mickey and counting...perfect for Noah

Building a project with daddy

Ruby's new friend

well...she has no hair so why not?

Ruby got Minnie jams because...well, i couldn't find anything else cute in her size and it went with bub's pj's.

playing Noah's new game together

walking down the hall Christmas Eve morning...he really wasn't this tired...:)

no fireplace... but i love them here anyway. :)

she HATED the tree and being close to took a few days for her to get used to it...

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